Where my perspective comes from You may be thinking to yourself: who is this guy who defends rich people and the love for riches? Isn’t he a rich man trying to defend his kin and his lifestyle? I’ll explain a bit about my background: I grew up in a lower-middle […]
Community service: when money becomes a means of charity Aside from the purely fatherly and familial duties, which already require “a lot of money” by modern standards, there can be other reasons why one would act in the spirit of perfection in working at increasing his revenues: reasons relative to […]
After having discussed the historical aspects of the “Trad Men competency” debate around career and entrepreneurship, we are now going to discuss the moral aspect of the question. Some trad men seem to hold an odd view that one’s efforts to earn more money than average, or to build a […]
True Restoration recently released a great conversation featuring Frankie Logue, Matthew Gaskin, and Stephen Heiner, about the “Trad Men Competency Crisis.” This in our opinion is a topic of the greatest importance which ought to be discussed more, given the weight it carries for the shaping of present and future […]
This month we once again reference a True Restoration Live episode to further develop some themes that are important for Traditional Catholics to understand. This episode discussed nation states and ethnicity, themes that are often in the news worldwide, and ones that are intimately linked with immigration. There Is No […]
It’s, in a way, edifying to see Jehovah’s Witnesses, almost always in a pair, decently dressed, with pamphlets in multiple languages, ready to speak about their religion with anyone passing by — even though most of the time the only talking they do is with themselves. This is what conviction […]
Lessons from the “Pandemic” Enough time has passed to realize what a very great blessing the “pandemic” was. People realized how fragile their assumptions were and made adjustments to how they managed their household needs, including perhaps becoming less dependent on the corporate supply chain. They also saw the power […]
In the United States there’s a cultural idea of “separating Church and State” but the interesting thing is that there’s a great freedom for business owners to express a religion not just within the culture of the business, behind closed doors, but out in the open, in customer-facing scenarios. What […]
Clericalism is Good At AMDG Ventures we consider ourselves unapologetically clericalist. This means that we support our clergy, even when it is against our own inclinations or opinions. Many laypeople are understandably hurt and wounded from what they may have experienced since 1965. The oldest among us feel a deep […]
Catholic Action refers to groups of lay Catholics who are trying to influence the cultures of the societies they live in. While these groups are often conceived of and executed on the initiative of laity, they can only really deserve the adjective of “Catholic” when they are conducted in reference […]