Trad Thirst Traps

In our previous article we lamented the rise of the Professional Catholic. We did not, at the time, note that these creatures tend to be male. There is a female equivalent, though, and these are Trad Thirst Trappers.

For the older generation, this term might seem foreign. Indeed, it’s part of the slang of a generation that grew up from an early age in the social media universe. To “thirst trap” is defined as “posting an alluring photo” or “acting in an attention-seeking manner.” The “thirst” here refers to the desire the viewers of your post might feel.

Now, let’s consider a fairly benign version of a thirst trap: food. People post photos of food they are enjoying. This elicits reactions from others. This sort of trap is not really problematic, unless it’s a lovely cooked steak on a Friday, perhaps.

Then there’s the original thirst trap, which is a selfie or something similar posted by a male or female, sometimes after a breakup, which screams, “look at me.” This, even if the subject is modestly clothed, is problematic.

Trad Thirst Traps are set by female influencers espousing traditional (i.e. “Trad”) values. These traps might include pictures of them at pro-life rallies, holding rosaries, praying (think about that, they stage photos of their prayer), or modelling a “mass fit” outfit. One prominent Trad Thirst Trapper (hereafter TTT) recently posted a photo of kissing her fiance and showing off her ring.

It would be difficult to argue that such behaviour is objectively sinful. But let’s call it for what it is: a poor example.

Even if one were to make the case that the girls setting these traps are totally oblivious to what they are doing (pretty girls do at some point find out they are pretty), what are they teaching the younger girls coming up behind them? Your primary asset on social media is your looks, not your virtue, nor your brain, so show off those looks so that the thirsty beta orbiters can slide into your DMs and give you the attention and validation you deserve. In the vernacular of this generation, a “Slay, queen!” might be added.

This is not the stuff of which “Trad wives,” Catholic or otherwise, are made. Indeed, this isn’t just poisoning a rising generation, it’s a subtle poison at the heart of any TTT’s romantic relationships, provided such relationships actually survive long-term. The TTT is demonstrating that one man’s validation and lifelong commitment isn’t enough for her. She must continue to have validation from men around the world.

Would Our Lady, or any female saint, engage in behavior like the TTT does?