Cardinal Billot
“Cardinal Billot’s discussion of liberalism, though contained in a book written in Latin a hundred years ago, deserves to be much better known than it is, for a grasp of the contents of this work will help the reader to understand the society around him much better than a perusal of political blogs or news sites will. Indeed, Billot explains well much of the trajectory of American political and cultural history, including much that has happened since the book was written. For if Americans – by which I mean here, citizens of the United States – wish to understand themselves and their country, they must above all reckon with the meaning and significance of liberalism. The term liberalism, however, is apt to be misleading, and especially so for American readers, for in the United States the term is used in a manner that is fairly unique in the world. Therefore it behooves American readers to set aside their previous understanding of the word and look at it afresh, as if they were learning a new word in a foreign language….”
112 pages, softcover
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